2008 m. lapkričio 13 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of laughter.

,,Some people ask the secret of our long marriage, we take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays."

It would not surprise me if you laughed after reading this joke. We laugh, but we do not know why we do it. It is believed that that the main functions of laugh is to release of uncomfortable and express positive emotions, to bring people together. Laughter is a universal language, spoken and recognized by people all around the world.

Laugh can also prove useful medically. It reduces stress, lowers blood pressure. It is also proved that while laughing our bodies produce endorphine - a natural painkiller witch makes us feel much better and even happier.

What do you imagine when someone tells you that he (or she) is laughing but you can not see him (or her)? Not all laughs are the same. Different types of laughter are :
· Snorting: a snob expressing disapproval.
· Sniggering: insensitive, unsympathetic and immature.
· Cackling: loud, ape-like shrieks, enjoying the misfortune of others.
· Chuckling: kind and thoughtful.
· Belly-laugh: open and trustworthy.

In conclusion, there are many benefits of laugh. It comes in different shapes and situation. Although the scientists can not fully explain the origins of laughter it is still one of the most pleasant things we can experience. Just do not worry, be happy and laugh a lot.

1 komentaras:

Deli rašė...

I should say, I liked it :) why? It is written in a very nice stile,moreover it is a pleasure to read it :) and the joke in the beginning fits there very well :)
P.S. thanks for your comment,it was very nice to read it ;)