2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

Analytical summary

Professor Robert Feldman is the author of the coursebook ,,Understanding Psychology". The first theme of this book covers the main information about psychology. It consists of three modules: „Psychologists At Work”, „A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present and the Future” and „Psychology’s Key Issues and Controversies”.

In Module 1 Robert Feldman shows the pros and cons of the science of psychology. He gives an overview of the main fields on psychology such as educational, social and business. Finally, he mentions some areas where psychologists could work.

„A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present and the Future” module tells us a short overall history of psychology. Professor Feldman introduces the most famous psychologists of all times. Lastly, the author introduces the reader to a variety of psychological perspectives.

The last module speaks about the most important issues and controversies in psychology. It also gives an example of how culture, race and ethnicity could influence our behavior. Robert Feldman gives his oppinion on the future of psychology and it’s perspectives.

All in all, the author gives basic information about the science of psychology. Its history, main issues, contraversies and even its future. Robert Feldman supposes that the need of psychologists will grow.

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