2008 m. lapkričio 13 d., ketvirtadienis

Analytical summary.

Sleep and dreams.

In the 14th module of the Robert S. Feldman's coursebook "Understanding Psychology" we get to know more about "Sleep and dreams". This chapter introduces us with states of consciousness during sleep, explains different stages of sleep, dreams theories and sleep disturbances.

Firstly, the writer describes four stages of sleep, describing physical differences in the brain during each of them. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) is also explained in this module. Moreover, the author informs us about how much sleep is necessary for people of different age per 24 hours.

Next goes the function and meaning of dreams. Robert S. Feldman writes about the main theories of dreams, analyzes them from different perspectives. Then we are introduced with the main sleep disturbances. And finally, explains daydreaming and gives some advise on how to deal with sleeping problems.

To sum thing up, the author gives many interesting facts, describes researches and various theories of sleep and dreams.

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