2008 m. lapkričio 25 d., antradienis

Learning ESP

What is the easiest way of learning ESP (English for Specific Purpose)? No one can give a straight forward answer to this question. But we all can agree that only practice can improve it.

Firstly, you will not be able to learn ESP if you do not have at least a decent knowledge in General English. There are different ways how to learn it as it is not too hard. English is one of the easiest languages in the world. It is learned by listening to audio materials, reading and writing texts or even just by watching English films or TV shows.

However, things are much more complicated with ESP. At first it looks really complicated and difficult as you have to learn a whole lot of new termini. The definitions are sometimes very hard to memorize and there are so many of them. To my mind the easiest way is to participate in class activities. Most of the students are simply afraid to speak bad, to make grammar mistakes or just to show that he (or she) did not understand a termini of some sort. Reading literature, watching films on psychology is not enough. We must speak as much as we can about psychology issues. ESP classes provide us with perfect conditions to do that.

In conclusion, ESP is not an impossible thing to learn as we have all the needed things to do that. The only thing that might be missing is motivation but this depends on everyone personally. It is all up to you my friend - you can do it!

Picture Reference: http://www.havering.gov.uk/media/image/0/p/LEARNING1_1.jpg

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