2008 m. lapkričio 13 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of kleptomania.

Imagine you catch a kid stealing a candy in a store. What do you do? Of course you warn the kid that he is commiting a crime and can or even will be punished for that. But have you considered the opportunity that maybe he was not a common shoplifter? Maybe he was a kleptomaniac. Kleptomania is the condition of not being able to resist the urge to steal.

People with this disorder can not resist stealing things. Mostly things of little or no value at all, such as pens, paper clips, tape, small toys, or packets of sugar. It is even possible that same of them are not aware that they have committed the theft.

Kleptomania can be distinguished from shoplifting or ordinary theft. Shoplifters and thieves steal for money, or other gains. They do it on purpose and plan it. While people with kleptomania are not necessarily thinking about the value of the items they steal.

Kleptomaniacs feel guilty after having stolen something and often try to return all stolen things. Why did he steal in the first place you could ask? They have this compulsive impulse to steal witch means that no matter what kleptomaniac tells himself, he can not prevent the act.

Kleptomania can be treated several different ways, such as therapy or counseling. There are different types of therapies, such as: behavior modification, family therapy. Psychological counseling is believed to be the most effective way of cureing this disorder.

Kleptomanics are sick people. We can not judge in advance whether the kid stole that candy on purpose or did he do it because he just could not help himself.

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