2008 m. lapkričio 25 d., antradienis

Learning ESP

What is the easiest way of learning ESP (English for Specific Purpose)? No one can give a straight forward answer to this question. But we all can agree that only practice can improve it.

Firstly, you will not be able to learn ESP if you do not have at least a decent knowledge in General English. There are different ways how to learn it as it is not too hard. English is one of the easiest languages in the world. It is learned by listening to audio materials, reading and writing texts or even just by watching English films or TV shows.

However, things are much more complicated with ESP. At first it looks really complicated and difficult as you have to learn a whole lot of new termini. The definitions are sometimes very hard to memorize and there are so many of them. To my mind the easiest way is to participate in class activities. Most of the students are simply afraid to speak bad, to make grammar mistakes or just to show that he (or she) did not understand a termini of some sort. Reading literature, watching films on psychology is not enough. We must speak as much as we can about psychology issues. ESP classes provide us with perfect conditions to do that.

In conclusion, ESP is not an impossible thing to learn as we have all the needed things to do that. The only thing that might be missing is motivation but this depends on everyone personally. It is all up to you my friend - you can do it!

Picture Reference: http://www.havering.gov.uk/media/image/0/p/LEARNING1_1.jpg

2008 m. lapkričio 13 d., ketvirtadienis

Analytical summary.

Sleep and dreams.

In the 14th module of the Robert S. Feldman's coursebook "Understanding Psychology" we get to know more about "Sleep and dreams". This chapter introduces us with states of consciousness during sleep, explains different stages of sleep, dreams theories and sleep disturbances.

Firstly, the writer describes four stages of sleep, describing physical differences in the brain during each of them. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) is also explained in this module. Moreover, the author informs us about how much sleep is necessary for people of different age per 24 hours.

Next goes the function and meaning of dreams. Robert S. Feldman writes about the main theories of dreams, analyzes them from different perspectives. Then we are introduced with the main sleep disturbances. And finally, explains daydreaming and gives some advise on how to deal with sleeping problems.

To sum thing up, the author gives many interesting facts, describes researches and various theories of sleep and dreams.

Psychology of kleptomania.

Imagine you catch a kid stealing a candy in a store. What do you do? Of course you warn the kid that he is commiting a crime and can or even will be punished for that. But have you considered the opportunity that maybe he was not a common shoplifter? Maybe he was a kleptomaniac. Kleptomania is the condition of not being able to resist the urge to steal.

People with this disorder can not resist stealing things. Mostly things of little or no value at all, such as pens, paper clips, tape, small toys, or packets of sugar. It is even possible that same of them are not aware that they have committed the theft.

Kleptomania can be distinguished from shoplifting or ordinary theft. Shoplifters and thieves steal for money, or other gains. They do it on purpose and plan it. While people with kleptomania are not necessarily thinking about the value of the items they steal.

Kleptomaniacs feel guilty after having stolen something and often try to return all stolen things. Why did he steal in the first place you could ask? They have this compulsive impulse to steal witch means that no matter what kleptomaniac tells himself, he can not prevent the act.

Kleptomania can be treated several different ways, such as therapy or counseling. There are different types of therapies, such as: behavior modification, family therapy. Psychological counseling is believed to be the most effective way of cureing this disorder.

Kleptomanics are sick people. We can not judge in advance whether the kid stole that candy on purpose or did he do it because he just could not help himself.

Psychology of laughter.

,,Some people ask the secret of our long marriage, we take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays."

It would not surprise me if you laughed after reading this joke. We laugh, but we do not know why we do it. It is believed that that the main functions of laugh is to release of uncomfortable and express positive emotions, to bring people together. Laughter is a universal language, spoken and recognized by people all around the world.

Laugh can also prove useful medically. It reduces stress, lowers blood pressure. It is also proved that while laughing our bodies produce endorphine - a natural painkiller witch makes us feel much better and even happier.

What do you imagine when someone tells you that he (or she) is laughing but you can not see him (or her)? Not all laughs are the same. Different types of laughter are :
· Snorting: a snob expressing disapproval.
· Sniggering: insensitive, unsympathetic and immature.
· Cackling: loud, ape-like shrieks, enjoying the misfortune of others.
· Chuckling: kind and thoughtful.
· Belly-laugh: open and trustworthy.

In conclusion, there are many benefits of laugh. It comes in different shapes and situation. Although the scientists can not fully explain the origins of laughter it is still one of the most pleasant things we can experience. Just do not worry, be happy and laugh a lot.

2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

А я думаю не стоит Шевчука ставить в какие то стилистические рамки...это не рок не бард не то и не то....ДДТ-это состояние души.

ДДТ Что нам ветер

Analytical summary

Professor Robert Feldman is the author of the coursebook ,,Understanding Psychology". The first theme of this book covers the main information about psychology. It consists of three modules: „Psychologists At Work”, „A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present and the Future” and „Psychology’s Key Issues and Controversies”.

In Module 1 Robert Feldman shows the pros and cons of the science of psychology. He gives an overview of the main fields on psychology such as educational, social and business. Finally, he mentions some areas where psychologists could work.

„A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present and the Future” module tells us a short overall history of psychology. Professor Feldman introduces the most famous psychologists of all times. Lastly, the author introduces the reader to a variety of psychological perspectives.

The last module speaks about the most important issues and controversies in psychology. It also gives an example of how culture, race and ethnicity could influence our behavior. Robert Feldman gives his oppinion on the future of psychology and it’s perspectives.

All in all, the author gives basic information about the science of psychology. Its history, main issues, contraversies and even its future. Robert Feldman supposes that the need of psychologists will grow.