2008 m. rugsėjo 30 d., antradienis

My Future Profession

Why did I choose psychology?
Psychology is science about people’s minds. I guess we’ll all agree that it is a thing that interests everybody. Who wouldn’t want to understand the way people think, what leads them to do certain actions and what causes their various reactions to different factors. Moreover, I have asked some friends of mine about this course and everybody told me that when you study psychology you get all the answers to questions that bother you. And I do have quite a few… Finally, it doesn’t really matter where you work or what job do you have after graduation, you’ll always have to work with other people. And the knowledge that I’ll have after finishing this course will help me to communicate with other people in any situation.
I am certain that I have chosen the right speciality ant the right university. I am determined to study and gain knowledge about this fabulously interesting human psychology.